The O’Donnell Group
A Proven Performer in Industrial Real Estate Founded in 1972

A Proven Partner

The O’Donnell Group has the experience, specialized knowledge and market presence to recognize the growth in ecommerce and translate that directly to successfully invest in some of the most compelling deals in industrial real estate.


The firm has over 40 years of experience investing, paying dividends and profiting on the sale of industrial buildings through every type of market cycle. The first O’Donnell development partnership was created in 1972, and since then, The O’Donnell Group has developed or acquired over 22 million square feet of industrial and office business parks throughout the U.S. The O’Donnell Group is a fully integrated operator with institutional quality accounting, asset management, property management and leasing.


Our team is comprised of senior professionals with deep industry experience.
Click here to read our team bios.


The company currently owns and manages over 750,000 square feet of industrial buildings. Managing, improving, focusing on quality tenants, including those in rowing industries come with experience and focusing on this growing real estate niche.

Proven Ability to Execute

As our case histories highlight, seeing locations, properties, structures and tenants, and understanding the real potential, including ecommerce, continues to set us apart and benefit our partners.